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Practical Functional Java

Examples and exercises for the "Practical Functional Java" workshop

Streams Exercises

The goal of the exercises is to help you review basic Stream operations like map, filter, flatMap, and collect.

Solutions are available in src/main/java/solutions/basics/streams/


The exercise is to fix the code in src/main/java/exercises/basics/streams/ to enable the tests to pass.

  1. Remove the @Ignore annotation from the test in src/test/java/exercises/basics/streams/ this will enable three failing unit tests
  2. The toUpperCase method is relatively simple to fix with a map and Collectors.toList(). This will resolve one unit test
  3. Fix the calculateOrderSummary method this way:
    • Create a method private String getProductDetail(Order order) that returns a string like “1 Baseball and 1 glove” for the order. This is accomplished with map and the Collectors.joining collector
    • Create a method private String toOrderSummary(Order order) that returns a string like “Fred ordered 1 Baseball and 1 glove” for the order. This is simple string concatenation using the above method
    • Finally, complete the public String calculateOrderSummary(List<Order> orders) method with a map using the method above and the Collectors.joining collector. This method returns a string for every order, joined with the newline character. This will resolve one more unit test.
  4. The public int calculateTotalOrdered(List<Order> orders, String productName) method can be completed with one chained pipeline including flatMap, filter, mapToInt, and sum. See the example in the code for an understanding of how mapToInt works.