Practical Functional Java


Jeff Butler

It's All About Immutability

Functional programming imposes discipline on assignment.

Uncle Bob in "Clean Architecture", page 23

In other words...immutability is the key concept in functional programming.

"Functional" Java

  • Java is OO and we love changing the state of objects
  • Going immutable in Java takes discipline
  • Java 8 added some important things...
    • Functional Interfaces
    • Lambda expressions
    • Lazy Streams (a declarative paradigm)

Manifestations of Immutability

  • Immutable Classes
  • Pure Functions

If you can only remember one thing from this workshop, then remember that writing pure functions will radically change, and improve, the way you write code.

Immutable Classes

  • No Setters
  • Getters don't return mutable Objects like Lists or Maps
Simple Immutable Object
public final class SimpleImmutableObject {
    private final Integer id;
    private final String description;
    public SimpleImmutableObject(Integer id, String description) { = Objects.requireNonNull(id);  // check for nulls!
        this.description = Objects.requireNonNull(description);

    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;
Instantiating Immutable Object
          SimpleImmutableObject myObject = new SimpleImmutableObject(3, "A Number");
Fluent Builder Pattern - More Flexible
public final class SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder {
    private final Integer id;
    private final String description;
    private SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder(Builder builder) { = Objects.requireNonNull(;
        this.description = Objects.requireNonNull(builder.description);

    // getters...

    public static class Builder {
        private Integer id;
        private String description;
        public Builder withId(Integer id) {
   = id;
            return this;
        public Builder withDescription(String description) {
            this.description = description;
            return this;
        public SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder build() {
            return new SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder(this);
Instantiating With a Builder
  SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder myObject = new SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder.Builder()
      .withDescription("A Number")

The with* methods can be called in any order, or multiple times, or not at all. The constructor should do null checking for required attributes.

Convenience "of" Methods
public final class SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder {
    public static SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder of(Integer id, String description) {
        return new Builder()
Instantiating With an "of" Method
SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder myObject = SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder.of(3, "A Number");

These "of" convenience methods can make immutable objects easier to use. You could write several methods like this to handle common cases.

Fluent Builder Pattern - How to Handle Optionals
public class ImmutablePerson {
    private String middleName;
    private ImmutablePerson(Builder builder) {
        middleName = builder.middleName;  // no null check
    public Optional<String> getMiddleName() {
        return Optional.ofNullable(middleName);
    public static class Builder {
        private String middleName;

        public Builder withMiddleName(String middleName) {
            this.middleName = middleName;
            return this;
Fluent Builder Pattern - How to Handle Lists
public class ImmutablePerson {
    private List<String> nickNames;
    private SimpleImmutableObjectWithBuilder(Builder builder) {
        nickNames = Objects.requireNonNull(builder.nickNames);
    public Stream<String> nickNames() {
    public static class Builder {
        private List<String> nickNames = new ArrayList<>();

        public Builder withNickName(String nickName) {
            return this;
        public Builder withNickNames(List<String> nickNames) {
            return this;
How to Make "Mutable" Immutables
public class ImmutablePerson {
    // copy constructor - for the with*** methods
    private ImmutablePerson(ImmutablePerson other) {
        firstName = other.firstName;
        middleName = other.middleName;
        lastName = other.lastName;
        nickNames = new ArrayList<>(other.nickNames);
    public ImmutablePerson withMiddleName(String middleName) {
        ImmutablePerson copy = new ImmutablePerson(this);
        copy.middleName = middleName;
        return copy;
Using with* Methods
  ImmutablePerson person = new ImmutablePerson.Builder()
  person = person.withMiddleName("Farnsworth");

The with* methods create new instances. So the old person object still exists and is unchanged.

Pure Functions

  • Produce output based solely on their inputs
  • Do not rely on external state
  • Do not modify external state
  • Have no side effects
  • Are easier to reason about
  • Are easier to test
  • Are easier to multi-thread
Don't Do This!
    public void testImpureFunction() {
        List<ImmutablePerson> allPeople = new ArrayList<>();

    private void addTheFlintstones(List<ImmutablePerson> people) {
        people.add(ImmutablePerson.of("Fred", "Flintstone"));
        people.add(ImmutablePerson.of("Wilma", "Flintstone"));

    private void addTheRubbles(List<ImmutablePerson> people) {
        people.add(ImmutablePerson.of("Barney", "Rubble"));
        people.add(ImmutablePerson.of("Betty", "Rubble"));
Do This!
    public void testPureFunction() {
        List<ImmutablePerson> allPeople = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<ImmutablePerson> getTheFlintstones() {
        List<ImmutablePerson> flintstones = new ArrayList<>();
        flintstones.add(ImmutablePerson.of("Fred", "Flintstone"));
        flintstones.add(ImmutablePerson.of("Wilma", "Flintstone"));
        return flintstones;

    private List<ImmutablePerson> getTheRubbles() {
        List<ImmutablePerson> rubbles = new ArrayList<>();
        rubbles.add(ImmutablePerson.of("Barney", "Rubble"));
        rubbles.add(ImmutablePerson.of("Betty", "Rubble"));
        return rubbles;
Even Better - Do This!
    public void testPureFunction() {
        List<ImmutablePerson> allPeople = Stream.of(getTheFlintstones(), getTheRubbles())
    private Stream<ImmutablePerson> getTheFlintstones() {
        return Stream.of(ImmutablePerson.of("Fred", "Flintstone"),
                ImmutablePerson.of("Wilma", "Flintstone"));

    private Stream<ImmutablePerson> getTheRubbles() {
        return Stream.of(ImmutablePerson.of("Barney", "Rubble"),
                ImmutablePerson.of("Betty", "Rubble"));

Immutability Summary

This is hard to explain - you'll have to take my word on it... When you program with immutable objects and pure functions it changes the way you think.

Immutability Exercise

Exercise Instructions