Microservice Resiliency

Feign Clients



What is Feign?

  • Feign is a declarative REST client
  • Originated at Netflix, now in a separate orgainzation (Open Feign)
  • It is a method of calling a remote web service by defining the request and response only
  • Feign handles all the marshalling/error handling/etc. for calling a remote service
  • Spring Cloud Feign integrates Feign with the Spring web service annotations
  • Fully integrated with Eureka and Hystrix
  • Meant to be a sinpler alternative for Spring REST Template

Adding Feign to Spring Boot

  • Available in Spring Initializr as a standard dependency
  • Globally enabled with the @EnableFeignClients annotation on a configuration class

Example Feign Client

            @FeignClient(name = "movie-award-service", url = "http://localhost:8083")
            interface MovieAwardService {
                fun findAwardsForMovie(@RequestParam("movieId") movieId: Int): List

This will call a web service with a URL like http://localhost:8080/award/search?movieId=3

Returned JSON will be automatically unmarshalled to the class you define

Handling 404

            @FeignClient(name = "movie-service", decode404 = true, url = "http://localhost:8081")
            interface MovieService {
                fun findById(@PathVariable("id") id: Int): Movie?

With decode404=true the code will return null if there is a 404 (NOT_FOUND) error

Application Integration

  • Interfaces annotated with @FeignClient are automatically discovered and available in the Spring container
  • If you wish to share service and model definitions between a client and server:
    • Create a common interface with just the mappings and path or request valiables
    • In the server, extend the common interface and add @RestController
    • In the client, extend the common interface and add @FeignClient


Create Feign clients in the aggregate web service