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Microservice Resiliency Workshop

Kotlin/Spring Edition

Cloud Foundry Exercise

Create a Eureka Server on PCF

  1. Login to Pivotal Apps Manager (if you are using Pivotal’s public PCF instance, the URL is
  2. Navigate to your org/space
  3. Select the “services” tab
  4. Press the “Add a Service” button
  5. Create a new service…
    • Select “Spring Cloud Service Registry”
    • Select the standard plan type
    • Set the instance name to “xxxregistry” where “xxx” are your initials

Deploy Microservices to Cloud Foundry

For each of the four microservices, create a manifest.yml file in the root of the application. The manifest should look similar to this:

- name: movie-award-service
  path: build/libs/movie-award-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  random-route: true
  - xxxregistry
  1. Change the name and path appropriately for each application, and set the service name to the service instance you created above.
  2. Build each application with ./gradlew clean bootJar
  3. Deploy each application to PCF with cf push
  4. Once everything is deployed, test that the application is running by navigating to the root of the aggregator application and starting the traffic simulator

Access the Eureka Dashboard on PCF

  1. Logon to Pivotal apps manager
  2. Navigate to the registry service you created above
  3. Select the “Manage” link at the top of the page. You will likely have to authenticate again, but you should see the Eureka dashboard