Microservice Resiliency
What is Eureka?
- Eureka is a service discovery system
- Eureka originated at Netflix
- Spring Cloud Netflix has integrated Eureka into Spring
- Web services register themselves with a Eureka Server
- Web service clients look up service addresses from the Eureka server
- This solves the problem of hard-coded URLs in the Feign clients
Configuring a Eureka Server
- "Eureka Server" is a dependency in the Spring Initializr
- Build a new project with only the "Eureka Server" dependency
- Add
to the main Spring Boot class
- That's, basically, it
- Eureka server is also built into Pivotal Cloud Foundry with the Spring Cloud Services tile
Configuring Eureka Clients
- "Eureka Discovery" is the dependency in the Spring Initializr
- Web services are automatically registered with a Eureka server
- Feign clients will lookup endpoints from Eureka if we simply remove the
attribute of
- That's, basically, it
Service Names and Granularity
- The name of the service is taken from the
property. This property
is specified in bootstrap.yml
by convention
- The
attribute of a @FeignClient
annotation specifies which service to lookup
- This is a lookup for a base URL for all services in an application - it is not a granular service catalog
What is Ribbon?
- Ribbon, another Netflix project, is a client side load balancer
- Ribbon is a transitive dependency of Eureka Discovery (it comes along for free)
- Multiple service instances can register themselves in Eureka with the same name
- When there are multiple service instances, Ribbon will load balance between them
- If you have another load balancing strategy (like PCF scaling),
then you can disable Ribbon on the clients
- Ribbon is in maintenance mode currently and will be replaced by Spring Cloud Loadbalancer.
This should be transparent to most users
- Create a Eureka Server
- Alter the services so they will register with the Eureka server
- Alter the aggregator service so it will lookup endpoints from the Eureka server